Putting Another Myth To Rest

A common accusation from creationists is essentially that Darwin caused the Holocaust. The “logic” behind this is that the theory of evolution leads inexorably to ideas of racial superiority (never mind centuries of anti-Semitism before Darwin was even born) and concepts like eugenics. Forget about all those devout Christians who manned the concentration camps – it’s a scientific idea about environmental adaptation that’s to blame!

Well, when the families and descendants of the people the holocaust actually happened to have heard so much of that sort of nonsense that they openly decry your efforts to smear science, you should be smart enough to know it’s time to retire your rant and find a better argument.

In response to the travesty that is Expelled: No Intelligence Applied, the Anti-Defamation League had this to say:

The film Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed misappropriates the Holocaust and its imagery as a part of its political effort to discredit the scientific community which rejects so-called intelligent design theory.

Hitler did not need Darwin to devise his heinous plan to exterminate the Jewish people and Darwin and evolutionary theory cannot explain Hitler’s genocidal madness.

Using the Holocaust in order to tarnish those who promote the theory of evolution is outrageous and trivializes the complex factors that led to the mass extermination of European Jewry.

So as far as I’m concerned it’s official: your “Darwin equals Hitler” proclamations need to go away. Go focus on supporting arguments for all those other delusions you cling to despite massive evidence to the contrary.

It’s wishful thinking, I know – but a guy can dream, can’t he?

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