
Seeing as this is the first entry in my first blog, I suppose I should write a few introductory words.

I’m Don, and this is my blog.

There. Phew! Glad that’s over with.

“What?” you may ask. “You mean that’s it? That’s your big intro?”

Yeah, well, I figured nobody who doesn’t already know me will ever visit this page anyway, so why bother with anything too lengthy?

What’s that? You say we don’t know each other, but you’re here anyway? Hmm… you must have a lot of free time on your hands to have wandered your way over to this obscure little corner of the net.

Alright, just for you, I’ll share a bit more about myself and the purpose of this blog.

There’s a “Lloyd” after the “Don” part of my name, with a middle initial “R” crammed in between ’em. I’m the second of recent vintage to carry that particular name, leading to the abbrevation D.R.L.2. Now yank out the punctuation and crunch it down into trendy lower case, and you’ve figured out the grand, mysterious inspiration for the name of this site!

I’m a computer geek, gaming geek, SF and Fantasy geek, gadget geek, Ren-Faire-going geek, and, er, car geek, if there is such a beast. My geek specializations include online gaming addictions and all things Tolkien. Non-geekly activities include having an actual wife and children. These days I follow politics a lot more closely than I have in the past, not out of any real passion for the subject, but from some combination of senses of civic duty and (more often) morbid curiosity. So all of those subjects, and whatever else may be suggested to me by the voices inside my head, are fair game on these pages.

Why blog at all?

Well, it boils down to this: I like to write. I like to think I have at least some talent in that particular field, because a while back I wrote a book and found a publisher willing to print it and promote it without me sending a check for services rendered. I even made a few bucks on the deal, which I suppose makes me a “professional”.

Where was I?

Oh, yes: I like to write, but I just don’t do it often enough. Several books-in-progress languish on my hard drive, largely neglected in the face of work, family, and that @%#%^#! World of Warcraft. My hope is that creating this blog will inspire me to actually sit down and put words to paper (in the virtual sense) on a somewhat regular basis, which will theoretically serve as a) good practice and b) a way get the ol’ writin’ juices a-flowin’ again and get back to work on those larger projects.

So that’s it for my big intro. Next time… something else entirely. Maybe. Who can tell?

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