I’m back again… again. Maybe for real this time – who knows?
I’ve been meaning to get back into blogging a bit, but somehow got so into the habit of not blogging that I just couldn’t bring myself to get re-started. But driven by the combined inspirations of watching FreeThoughtBlogs come together, the desire to get myself writing again in general, and the nagging feeling that the monthly hosting fee I pay for this site is going to waste if I don’t actually use it for something, I’ve decided to blow the dust off this place and start spewing forth more collections of words onto the Interwebz. So now that I’ve publicly said I’m going to do it, I have to come up with at least one post with a little more content than “I’m going to post something.”
There are a few unrelated internet-based projects that have been bouncing around in my head for a while that I’m going to force myself to start working on as well, and to facilitate those I’m in the process of looking for a different hosting setup. That means this blog will be moving soon, to a new host, a more recent version of the WordPress software, and maybe even a new theme if I get really crazy. This will be done as transparently as I can manage – hopefully any links to existing material here will continue to work.