It seems that just last night I was speculating on what the Bush folks would be up to in the waning days of their disastrous administration.
Someone at the New York Times had a similar thought, apparently, because the paper’s Opinion section ran an article on Monday titled “So Little Time, So Much Damage“. It seems there are still plenty of civil rights to be taken away, environmental regulations to repeal, and reproductive rights to challenge before the game is over.
There’s even time to squeeze a few more unqualified candidates into politically appointed positions! Pretend for a moment that you’re Michael Alix, a high-level executive in charge of risk management at Bear-Stearns. Your company has been run into the ground, presumably by taking risks it shouldn’t have – which means you haven’t done your job very well. It’s a good thing you’ve got a sweetheart golden-parachute deal worked out, because with “helped bankrupt a large financial house” on your resume, your short-term job prospects aren’t too rosy.
Not in BushWorld! No, here in the land of manufactured reality, you’ve earned yourself an important position at the Federal Reserve! In related news, Michael Jackson has been hired to conduct children’s tours through the White House, and Army intelligence operatives have mounted Sarah Palin on a tall pole on the Alaskan coast to serve as an early warning system should the floating head of Vladimir Putin darken the western sky.