Rationalwiki defines Poe’s law thusly:
Poe’s Law states:
Without a winking smiley or other blatant display of humor, it is impossible to create a parody of Fundamentalism that SOMEONE won’t mistake for the real thing.
Someone has put up a web site called AntiSpore to protest the new game in which players create life forms which evolve over time – apparently the idea that it embraces evolution and the fact that it’s technically possible to build creatures with appendages that resemble human genitalia is an affront to God and Christians everywhere.
This entire game is propaganda aimed directly at our children to teach them evolution instead of creationism, or “intelligent design” if you go for stupid PC terms.
The object of the game is to evolve from a “spore” into demon-like intelligent space creatures that violently take over the galaxy.
I can’t decide whether this site is for real, or just somebody having a little Poe-inspired fun.