To my fellow atheists:
Here it is, December 21, start of the Winter Solstice and 4 days until Christmas, and I still haven’t received my invitation from the secret non-believers’ cabal to join in on the annual War on Christmas. I’ve been posting here about my non-belief for months, but have yet to be given the decoder ring or even taught the secret handshake. What gives? I know you people can’t be that disorganized that I’d be lost in the shuffle, because how could such a group like that launch so effective a multi-pronged attack on all things Christian?
Please get in touch ASAP. I won’t post my contact info here because I know you can get it easily through your allies in the Godless Secular Liberal Media(tm). Just, uh, don’t call me on the 25th – I’ll be busy celebrating a holiday with friends and family.
UPDATE: The Daily Atheist has posted an interesting historical tidbit today about the history of the “War on Christmas”.